Services available at Fluidity

Thai Massage is a clothes-on massage performed on a mat on the floor. Through passive stretches and rhythmic movements, your body begins to loosen up, remembering how fluid, flexible and flowing it is. Come experience this wonderful feeling.

60 minutes – $85 (fantastic tune-up)

70 minutes – $95 (Put the pieces back together)

90 minutes – $125 (Sink deeper and relax)

In home sessions are available, if I have met you. ($135 for 60 min – $175 for 90 min)

I’ll come to you. Let me take care of your people so they can do what they do best! Approx. $100/hour

– Employee or Customer Appreciation Days

– Wellness Programs

– Lunches/BBQ/parties

– Conferences

– Sales Incentives

– End of Project Rewards